Thursday, July 12, 2012


It's Thursday night (almost Friday morning!) and I have one more night of work before I am off for a few weeks to be in Thailand. People keep asking me if I am excited, and the answer is definitely yes. More than anything, it feels so surreal that I will be boarding a plane in a few days to go to the other side of the world with 24 other crazy (the good kind of crazy) people!

The journey to get to this point has been so full of God's providence and blessings! Throughout the entire fundraising time period, our team was ahead of most all mission teams. We had an abundance of supporters who came through for us time and time again! About a week ago we where still about $7,000 short... and it seemed that in a days time it all came in. Praise the Lord! While we can breath a little easier now (well, some of us anyway!) we still must not let our guard down. Prayer and preparations in these last few days and all during the trip are still vital for the fruitfulness of our endeavors.

The official status of our journey presently stands as follows:
Meet at Lancaster Evangelical Free Church at 1:00 PM to pray, say our goodbyes and load up on the vans.
Drive to JFK airport and prepare for departure.
Travel for a billion hours (ok, so maybe that's exaggerating) to Frankfurt, Germany.
Have a layover there for a few hours - hopefully recharge the laptop!
Travel for another billion hours to Singapore.
Have a short layover there and ogle at the world outside the airport from the windows.
Finally a short flight from Singapore to Chiang Mai, where we will go to our guest house!

Please be in fervent prayer that we make it through security, boarding, flying and luggage transfers with no difficulties! Another good thing to pray for would be good health and that everyone is well rested and not exhausted from the long flights! We need to not only keep up our spiritual health, but our physical and mental health too!
An extra prayer you could put in for me would be a focused heart and willingness to follow where the Spirit leads. While I am excited to go on this trip and minister to the Thai people, as well as to our students, I have a lot going on back home without me! When I get back from Thailand, I have 6 weeks until my wedding... and there's a lot to do between now and then! I don't want to let that distract me from my work! =)

While I can't guarantee updates every day, or even long, detailed ones at that, I am going to try my best to keep you all posted! There is about an 11 hour time difference, so keep that in mind! In addition to that, I am sure there will be many nights where all I will want to do is sleep and not blog. Please be patient with me! ;)

Thank you all for your support in so many different ways! We wouldn't be in the middle of packing and preparing to leave if it wasn't for you!

Făn dee! (sweet dreams!)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Weekend Retreat

This past weekend the entire Thailand Team of 24 people took a retreat to Paradise Lake Retreat in Denver, PA. While it was only a 20 minute trip for most of us (except for Nate, which it was only 2 minutes away), it still felt like we had truly gotten away from the business of life. The retreat house was a beautiful log and stone cabin set back on a 130 acre farm. Its entire one wall was windows which looked over a "lake" (ok, so a large pond) and rolling hills and woodlands. Being a country girl at heart, I felt right at home in the sights, sounds, and smells of nature.

The purpose of the trip was to truly get away and bond together as a group. Friday was spent eating pizza, worshiping together and doing group bonding activities. While I was one of the first to bed (I know I'm not really that old, but I value my sleep) it was still in the early AM's when the chattering and music stopped and the lights went out. The guys all slept up in the loft of the cabin while we females took over the entire basement. (I'm not exaggerating when I say take over. I was one of the most organized ones there when it came to stuff... and that's not saying a lot).

Saturday morning shone bright through the mist as we ate a delicious breakfast planned by Carol Sheureman and prepared by fellow team members. After some worship lead by Ashley, and a short devotional by Ed Sheureman, we got to spend a full hour outside doing a personal God time.
I chose a bench set in a little garden overlooking the pond and just about everything else. After allowing the cool air to refresh me and the sun to kiss my face, I opened up to Isaiah 61. This passage had been really speaking to me lately through various ways in my life. While my focus had been on the first 3 verses for some time, I really narrowed in on the last sentence in verse 3.
"They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the LORD
for the display of his splendor."
This brought many new insights to me on how we are to be seen, as strong tree's that are deeply rooted in Christ, and our tall branches lifting up glory to Him!
If you would like to hear more insight for me, feel free to seek me out. I have 5 pages in my journal just on that sentence!

Most of the afternoon was free-time after lunch. A few of us went one a hike, while others played football, frisbee, volleyball, and took a swim (burr!!!). We came together then for another group bonding game, led by Josh Warren. While attempting the activity 3 times, we did not turn out succesful in the task. We gained some good insight, however, on how we work together as a whole group, as well as how the individuals in the group contribute. Much of this had been previously discussed earlier that day, as we got our "test results" back. Our last meeting we had taken a Cultural Personality Test of sorts, and now got to see what it meant. It was so neat to see different personalities in various culturally minded experiences. It's hard to explain on here, but if you asked one of us I'm sure we could shed a greater light for you!

My team (Team Tisut - meaning "The Best Team") prepared dinner for everyone, and I will brag for a moment to say it was delicious. Thanks again Carol! Dinner led way into presentations, which we had (or should have, anyway) prepared previously to this weekend. Friday night the two "more prepared" groups presented for us. Dr. Ed's team (which Nate is in, so I am kinda partial to this one) did a hilarious video on Thai cultural customs, food and transportation. Ryan Snyder's group then did a really fun game show for us, giving insight to history of Thailand. Saturday night the other two groups presented. Josh Warren's group also did a game show on Thai Money, and my group had a "living map" of Thailand to show geography and regions, as well as we did a rap and Thai dance about politics. Overall, it was a lot of laughs and great learning experience!

Sunday morning shone with another warm and beautiful day, but sad hearts as we knew we would be leaving. Worship and reflection time followed another wonderful breakfast, and soon we were all scurrying around trying to clean and pack up to head out.

Ask any team member, and we will tell you that we are all now "La Familia" (many inside jokes, involving poor spanish skills, occurred over the weekend). While I can honestly say that we had been a group to have been well bonded from the start, I think we are now truly a family in a sense. And I can speak for everyone when I say we cannot wait to be headed to Thailand!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Parents Night Out

Saturday the 14th was our next meeting as a team, and this time we included more than just the "goers" of the team, but also the "senders"! Our parents and families gathered together with us for a great food buffet of delicious soups, a variety of sandwich options and my favorite part - dessert! Now I am not giving this shout-out simply because my boyfriend made them... but Nate's Oreo Cream Cheese balls were to die for. Ask anyone who was there, and they'll agree! Who knew I was dating such a creative dessert maker?! =)

Besides the logistics of the meeting such as support letters (which I am starting to send out, so check your mail boxes!) and passports (did I mention I just got mine two days ago?! It only took mine two weeks to come!) we had a great time breaking up into our smaller travel groups, along with our parents, to starting leaning how to maximize the impact of our trip. We were able to analyze how we can best serve in all aspects of the trip including: our host in Thailand before we're there, while we are there and after we leave, as well as our supporters! It was also a great time to pray with one another in our small groups, and as a larger team in the whole.

We also got exciting information such as the location we are staying! A Thai lady by the name of Emmi has a heart to serve. Her ministry is to house those of us who come to Thailand to minister to the Thai people! She has set up a guest house specifically for us missionaries to stay in during our trip. If you'd like to check out the exquisite commodities we are being spoiled with, here is her website, Lighthouse Thai Guesthouse! I know, we are really roughing it ;).

Actually, as part of our stay Emmi is taking us to her home village for a 3 day stay with the locals there. Each of us are being assigned to various Thai families who are graciously opening their homes to us! It is going to be fun to live in another family and cultures homes and see their way of life first hand! Please be in prayer for those families to have open hearts, and for us to not be ashamed of the gospel and be real, living testimonies to our faith.

Another gem of information we where given is the Orphanage we will be visiting while there. It is called Agape Home (yes, if you click on that it will take you the website) and it is specifically designed for children that are HIV/AIDS positive. My heart is already hurting for these children, but I am excited to be able to spend time with them and just flat out love on them. Please also be in prayer for the children to see the love of Christ through us, as well as for each of us on the team as I know it will be hard to leave those children behind.

One more detail of information before I bring this to a close (yes, once again more logistics). Our travel agent has moved us one day later for leaving for Thailand. So instead of leaving on the 15th, we are now going to be leaving on the 16th of July. Other than that, not much else has changed. We are still leaving from JFK airport, having a layover in Singapore the next day, and then headed to Chiang Mai from there! After about 36 hours of flying, I am going to be thrilled to finally be on land! =)

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Journey Begins


No, I haven't left the country yet but that doesn't mean I haven't begun the adventure! Summer of 2011 planted the small seed in my mind of the possibility of going on an over sea's mission trip. While I was extremely interested, the business of a new job and stresses of moving from our farm house of 23 years to a log cabin in the woods took priority. The idea of going to Thailand, however, never left.

Fast forward a few months into my fourth semester of college and third year of working with the SR High youth group. Announcements of the Thailand trip were underway and applications available. While the trip was for High School students, I knew they would need leaders. I pondered, prayed and gnawed over the prospective and finally took an application a week before they were due. Nate and I discussed the trip, and we both concluded that God was really speaking to us both about going. While ministry and missions are both Nate and I's passion, we both feel we have been called overseas... wherever that may be!

Ryan Snyder, the director of youth ministry and head of the trip not only readily accepted our desire to go as leaders, but was excited for our opportunity to learn and grow in the field we are called to. He paired us each with experienced missionaries assisting us on the trip, Ed and Carol Scheureman, who lived in Thailand for many years. Not only are we leading on this trip, but also learning much.

Two Thailand team meetings have already come and gone, with another quickly approaching. With it has come the preparation of our trip such as passports, travel itinerary, and raising support. I have my passport application filled out and sitting on my dresser ready to go to be confirmed, and the dates of the trip asked off for work! Now I need to begin raising my support from... well... you!

Our team to Thailand is not just composed of the 25 of us going, but also of each of our families, friends, co-workers, church members and brothers and sisters in Christ. We need your prayer and support as we begin the spiritual, mental and emotional journey that will very soon take us on a 36 hour flight to Thailand! And yes, let us address the white elephant in the room. I do need monetary support as well.

The entire trip will cost me between $2,600 and $2,800 dollars for the 15 day adventure. We will be leaving PA July 15 and arriving back home (Lord willing!) July 30th. On our trip we will be assisting fellow missionaries in their local work, as well as teaching ESL (english as a second language) to students, ministering to hill tribes, visiting an orphanage and prayer walking around the city.

Since I threw so much information at you at once on this post, I will be sure to update as much as possible on the progress of our meetings, my support, and eventually what happens while on my trip!
If you are interested in receiving a support letter from me, feel free to shoot me an e-mail!!

Thank you friends and fellow journeymen for joining me on this exciting adventure we call life!